pocket philosophy 2019 My second all-night philosophy festival Read More culturejayemseyFebruary 26, 2019A Night of Philosophy and Ideas, Brooklyn Public Library, philosophy, calm, anger, equanimity, halo effect, Patton Oswalt, Twitter, New York, New York City, zen, peace, 52 Places Traveler, Jada Yuan, Sebastian Modak, Panama, Puerto Rico, submission, BDSM, Desperate Housewives, The Odyssey, Muslim, hijab, agency, history, power, music, Franz Schubert, Im Frühling, Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, Lithium, spring, antidepressant, Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism, commodification, colonialism, capitalism, Manhattan, African Burial Ground, African-American, Jim Crow, post-colonialism, ICE, Black Gotham Experience, bite-sized philosophyComment
pocket philosophy 2018 Coachella, but make it smart Read More culturejayemseyJanuary 28, 2018A Night of Philosophy and Ideas, Brooklyn Public Library, Coachella, philosophy, food for thought, psychoanalytics, psychosomatic, Sigmund Freud, speech, dreams, subconscious, unconscious, sexuality, collective memory, tragedy, forgiveness, Holocaust, memory, identity, Nietzsche, Buddhism, Buddha, absolutism, existentialism, truth, life, nihilismComment