minute thoughts 10.5.15

2CHANGZ mixtape dropping soon (I just cringed at my own joke but still worth it)

2CHANGZ mixtape dropping soon (I just cringed at my own joke but still worth it)

Thoughts while contemplating my fear of dying in a bike path accident

1. Postmodern Jukebox needs more recognition. I can't remember how I found them, but they're insanely awesome and talented people. Listen to this cover of Major Lazer's "Lean On" in '70s/Stevie Wonder-style or their vintage cover of Radiohead's "Creep". I can't stop listening.

2. Imagine meeting your parents in college. I wonder if I would be friends with mine. I wonder if my dad made dad jokes before he was a dad. My money's on yes.

3. The tricky thing about wanting to save the world is that you have to find a balance between romanticism and realism. You have to acknowledge the way it works. Even if you want to start a nonprofit or do pro bono work or pursue whatever philanthropic goal...you still have to understand that greed runs the world. Money fuels ambition. Materialism controls thought. And the promise of happiness drives business. And you can either accept it or you can't, but it's not something that will ever change, at least in our lifetimes.

4. Does anyone else have those weirdly paranoid deep-dark anxieties? Those moments of panic where you think what-if to things that you know will never actually happen, but you start imagining all of the different ways you could potentially die?

5. I swear I'm not normally a macabre person.

6. Although sometimes when I'm researching things for my novel, I worry that if I die in the middle of it, people will find my search history and assume I'm a serial killer.

7. I LOVE WEDDINGS. I don't think I actually want one, but I love going to them. I went to one last weekend for the first time in forever, and it was so beautiful. I forgot how much I adore everything about weddings...the food, the tearful exchange of vows, the Pinterest-esque decor, the family reunions, and even the macarena (not even remotely sorry). Plus, they give me an excuse to dress up, which is one of my favorite things.

8. My friend and I were discussing the difference between "waiting" and "patient." Waiting is passive, hopeful. Patience is simply understated, quietly simmering just below the surface. Patience is clever. It's recognizing that some things are beyond your control, and understanding that there's no point in worrying over them or pursuing them until they aren't. Unfortunately, patience is not a virtue I was naturally blessed with. But some things are worth being patient for.

9. I saw Tchami in Santa Barbara this weekend for his Afterlife tour and holy moly he was so good. He has that kind of sound that's AWESOME live because you feel it deep in your bones when it drops. I danced for three or four hours straight. It was so much fun. Not going to lie, it was lowkey a spiritual experience.

10. Our rush just ended last week and I'm so excited to get to know the new pledgelets! They're all sho cute and bright-eyed and eager. I love it. Pledging is difficult, but it's definitely one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. I miss it.

BONUS: Happy birthday to my lovely, intelligent, strong-willed mother who turns 25 years old today! (Sorry I don't have any nicer pictures of us)

Happy birthday, Mom! Congrats on raising three equally ridiculous children #ChinShindig

Happy birthday, Mom! Congrats on raising three equally ridiculous children #ChinShindig