
Hi there!

Welcome to my personal blog :). For those of you that don’t know me, the decision to finally launch this blog is a REALLY BIG DEAL. Because I’m usually not very vocal on social media (but possibly a little too vocal in real life) and a bit of a perfectionist, this project has been classified as “in-progress” for quite some time.

I’ve always loved to write, but the idea to start a blog was conceived a couple of years ago, when I was preparing to leave for college. Over the summer I’d written a “focus list,” a kind of love letter to my future self, of things I wanted to carry with me throughout my college career. It was comprised of five items:

1. Always remember that you’re where you are for a reason. You’re not perfect; you’ll make mistakes. Just keep calm and carry on. You always have a purpose to fulfill.

2. Keep the people you care about close to you at all times, even if they’re 3,000 miles away. Think about the people who are important in your life, the people who make you happy and who will always be there for you. Don’t lose them.

3. Be the person you would look up to. Always strive to be a better person. Stay with people who make you the best version of yourself. Never lose sight of your values.

4. Get involved with your school, your community, with people and things you feel passionately about. Life is too short to be idle. You have a voice and it’s your responsibility to use it.

5. Stay healthy, stay happy.

Short, sweet, and simple, but they’re promises that I think will help me lead a better life. This is my personal attempt to uphold the 4th—to write, to explore, to create, to live, and to love. Hopefully, I can learn something along the way. So here’s my final promise: whatever I write, I’ll write with all my heart. Not only things that catch my eye and things that interest me, but things of actual importance, things that I think we should think about more often. I think one of the most meaningful compliments you can pay someone is a willingness to listen, so I hope you find what I write interesting too.

Say hi in the comments!